
7 Tips to Make the Perfume Last Longer

Bring the perfume into play after the shower
The main reason for this trick is that human body pores open right up in the shower. The steam does the trick and applying perfume after the shower. It will enable the pores to soak up the scent better, lasting longer than ever.

Apply it before putting clothes on
Perfume has the chemical reaction which applies better to heat. It can be more powerful when soaked up by the body, rather than the clothes. In fact applying it on some clothes can leave a stain, applying on body minimize the problem.

Do not Apply perfume on dry skin
The trick to this is applying some moisturizer on your dry skin, before applying the perfume which will again absorb the scent. Apply little moisturizer to your legs and arms, so they are plump and healthy.

Engage perfume on heated areas
Heated areas are usually found head to toe. These are the areas where heart rate is felt. Applying the perfume in these areas will cover more area and spread the scent evenly. The reason, being all these areas will have warmth, the trick is not to apply all the perfume in one area, you can apply it below the ear lobe, base of throat, inside the elbow and wrist.

Don’t rub the areas where you apply the perfume
It is not appropriate to rub the areas of applying perfume to cause heat. The rubbing literally kills the molecules, resulting in pulverizing the scent. This rubbing helps the scent of a perfume to disappear altogether.

Pick strong base notes
Pick a perfume which has really strong base notes. Notes like, vanilla, pines and musk are the notes which last longer.

Layer fragrance
Lastly, you want to chain your scent, a perfume, body wash, shampoo that can be mixed together on your skin. Multiple fragrance should be good.

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